Andre Veiga

Andre Veiga

Assistant Professor of Economics

I study the Industrial Organisation of healthcare, insurance and digital markets. I use theory and data to understand how individuals and firms operate in these markets, and how best to regulate them.

Imperial College Business School
South Kensington Campus, London SW12AZ, UK
Phone: +44 (0)20 7594 7957

CV | Google Scholar | Imperial College Page

Working Papers

Information and Disparities in Health Care Quality: Evidence from GP Choice in England, with Zach Brown, Chris Hansman, and Jordan Keener
Media: Vox EU | Forbes
Reject & Resubmit at American Economic Review


Optimal Contract Regulation in Selection Markets, with John Levy
AEJ: Micro, Accepted

Attention Spillovers from News to Ads: Evidence from an Eye-Tracking Experiment, with Tommaso Valletti and Andrey Simonov
Journal of Marketing Research, 2024
Media: | Vox EU

Price Discrimination in Selection Markets
Review of Economics and Statistics, 2023
Shortlisted for SCOR/EGRIE Young Economist Best Paper Award 2020

Should I stay or should I go? Migrating away from an incumbent platform, with Gary Biglaiser and Jacques Cremer
RAND Journal of Economics, 2022
Shortlisted for Best paper in Economics, 2023 Antitrust Writing Awards
Media: | IB Knowledge | Promarket

Competitive Equilibrium in Screening Markets with Unbounded Types, with John Levy
Journal of Economic Theory, 2021
Shortlisted for SCOR/EGRIE Young Economist Best Paper Award 2018

On the Existence of Positive Equilibrium Profits in Competitive Screening Markets, with John Levy
Games & Economic Behavior, 2020

Social Media, News Media and the Stock Market, with Peiran Jiao and Ansgar Walther
Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization, 2020
Media: Baron's | Bloomberg | The Globe and Mail | City A.M. | Sydney Morning Herald

A Note on How to Sell a Network Good
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2018

Pricing Institutions and the Welfare Cost of Adverse Selection, with E. Glen Weyl
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2017

Multidimensional Platform Design, with Alexander White and E.Glen Weyl
American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 2017

Product Design in Selection Markets, with E. Glen Weyl
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2016

Non-Refereed Publications

Economic Democracy and Market Power, with Zoe Hitzig, Michelle Meagher, and Glen Weyl
CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 2020

Competition Policy in Selection Markets, with Neale Mahoney and E. Glen Weyl
CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 2014

Non-Academic Publications

Why high-income patients go to higher quality doctors, CEPR Vox EU, 2023

Can anyone topple X (the platform formerly known as Twitter)?, IB Knowledge, 2023

Why did Google+ fail?, IB Knowledge, 2022


Digital Economics (Imperial, MsC ESB) - Feedback
Business Economics (Imperial, MsC ESB) - Feedback
Business Economics (Imperial, BPES)
Microeconomic Theory (Imperial, Phd)
Quantitative Economics, Economics of Industry, Core Micro (Oxford, undergraduate)
Selection Markets (Oxford, Phd)
Network Markets (Oxford, Phd)